Sunday, May 1, 2011

Earnest's Weekend Monologue -May 1, 2011

President Obama went to Alabama to survey the destruction caused by the recent outbreak of tornados. At the same time, a group of Alabamans were sent to look at the President's domestic policy. They arrived at pretty much the same conclusion. Totalled.

Sony is trying to lure users of its Playstation Network back to the service after losing all 77 million of its users credit card numbers and email addresses. Their offering a free month of Playstation Plus and a free month of Qriocity, their music service. That's about 20 bucks, which is actually about what my personal information is actually worth, anyway, so you've got a deal, Sony. The hackers' offer is actually much better. Their offering 10 credit card numbers and 1 new identity to new users brave enough to share their credit card information with Sony now.

The Royal Wedding happened this week after months of buildup. It had everything I look for in a wedding: I wasn't invited and didn't have to get a gift. Perfect.

The American Lung Association came out with a report that claims Los Angeles has the "Worst Air Pollution in the United States." Frankly, I think we have the best air pollution in the US.

Pope Ratzinger is beatifying Pope John Paul II's body today. Beatify means to have sex with, right? Is that wrong? I'm not Catholic, so I have to make wild assumptions that are based on unflattering stereotypes. Actually, I looked it up, and I learned beatify means "to bless the body"... before having sex with it. It's the third step toward becoming a saint. The first step is to die, so as a career path, it definitely has its drawbacks.

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Man, Obama keeps giving the Republicans everything they want. I will lose it if people start demanding to see Osama's death certificate.

Don't forget to come back the rest of the week for Seth and Spencer!

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