Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday Morning Monologue - September 12, 2011

It's Monday, so get ready to learn something. Today we have some little-known facts about the United States Congress. You are constitutionally required to read this. But you don't have to like it.

The legislative supply list for U.S. Senators includes three spiral-bound notebooks, safety scissors and $400K in a PAC funded by Goldmann Sachs.

Representative Dingle opens each session of Congress with his trademarked "LET'S GET READY TO LEGISLAAAAAAAAAAATE!"

Senator Scott Brown, when recently pressed for details about his summer activities, broke into a full rendition of "Summer Lovin."

The Senate Judiciary Committee's first act was to toilet paper the Supreme Court.

Drafting is now closed for this season's fantasy legislation league.

Also, members of Congress are not allowed to bet on themselves in the annual scandal pool.

Three Representatives have been temporarily suspended for testing positive for anabolic steroids.

And finally, Congress has been busy this week building a decoy Capitol building to distract members of the tea party movement.

That's all the learning for now. Come back tomorrow for more jokes and stuff.

Till then, have a great day!

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