Friday, September 9, 2011

Fridays with Spencer: WTF Building 7?

Hey guys, sorry I missed last weeks post. I was trying to figure out who brought down WTC building 7. Turns out, it was termites. So stop asking questions! Seriously, let it go. How are you enjoying the sketches that were written by Seth and then filmed by Oklahomans? They're pretty good huh... I was in one of them. Let's tell some jokes!

XXXChurch, a Christian anti-pornography group is setting up an "Alcoholics Anonymous" type group, based on the steps of AA to battle pornography addiction. So the Bible says Sarah was 90 when she gave birth to Isaac, but if I watch a geriatric conception film, I'm the one with the problem?

In other geriatric news, singer Neil Diamond announced that he is going to marry his manager. They plan to remain forever in blue jean one-sies.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani thinks he could beat President Barack Obama in an election. Really Giuliani? You sound like Uncle Rico.

Angry Bird, the hugely popular iPhone game, is now a theme park in China! Engineers say it won't be possible in America due to the lack of technology needed to sling our overweight citizenry.

New York woman kills boyfriend's dog using hair bands. Listen, dogs are very sensitive to Poison... and White Snake and Warrant. So be careful out there.

We are coming up on the anniversary of 9/11 and some groups are asking why radical Muslim's would visit Las Vegas 5 times before hijacking the planes. It's a simple answer, because they didn't have time to visit 6 times.

Have a great weekend friends.

1 comment:

  1. Guliani couldn't beat Obama in game of HORSE for cripes sake! (Please oh please oh please oh please let that be true.)


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