Dictionary.com just named "bluster" the word of the year for 2012, but only because they're too classy to go with "bullshit."
Teens are increasingly using protein shakes to bulk up, a recent study found. At least they've stopped drinking Zima.
Hack group Anonymous declared cyber war on Israel this week, which is terrible news for Israel's World of Warcraft characters.
Credit rating dickheads Moody's just lowered France's credit rating from Aaa to Aa1. But that credit score can be fixed with "up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start."
Scientists have found evidence that great apes go through midlife crisis, like humans, which would explain the thriving market for ape toupes.
At the urging of a Judge presiding over the bankruptcy of Hostess, management and the Bakers Union agreed to enter into mediation. "So close," said a spokesman for the American Medical Association.
NHL management and the players union are talking again for first time in eight days, mainly to remind people that they're still there.
And finally, an appeals court rejected Hobby Lobby's claim to an exemption for providing contraceptive insurance. Apparently, selling a wicker-based do-it-yourself IUD does not count as an adequate alternative.
That's it!
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