Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday Morning Monologue - September 12, 2012

Apologies in advance for this. If you are easily offended, this will probably offend you. If you have the sensibilities of a 13 year-old boy,  you will probably enjoy this immensely. Read on, MacDuff.

Ice cream purveyors Ben & Jerry's are suing a porn studio for making movies with titles based on Ben & Jerry's flavors. They claim the studio is turning their "wholesome" product into something more "holesome." Do they have a case? Let's review the evidence.

Original: Banana Split

Porn: Banana Split Your Pants

Original: Even Steven
Porn: Even Steven (Gets Some)

Original: Boston Cream Pie
Porn: Cream Pie Boston

Original: Brownie Batter
Porn: Brown Eye Batter

Original: Cherry Garcia
Porn: Cherry Garcia Bangs Groupies

Original: Chubby Hubby
Porn: Hubby's Chubby

Original: Imagine Whirled Peace

Porn: Imagine Whirled Piece of Ass

Original: Triple Caramel Chunk

Porn: Triple Caramel Chunk Threeway

You decide. Personally, I don't think they have a leg to stand on. Probably because that leg is up around their ears while... never mind.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Brown Eye Batter is the name of a shitty Julia Roberts movie.


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