Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning Monologue - August 19, 2013

In Venezuela, a barber is keeping Hugo Chavez's revolution alive by giving free haircuts in the street. Unfortunately, it is Chavez's haircut, so she's not very popular with the ladies.

A recent evaluation of India's electrical grid found that over half of the population has no access to power. A spokesman for the government addressed the issue saying "that's nothing compared to the metaphorically powerless."

Microsoft just fixed a massive outage that brought down the Outlook program for offices around the country for three whole days. Or, as Outlook users called it: "the best three days ever." stock nearly topped $1000 per share recently, but then people started naming their own price for shares, and it all went to hell from there.

In Bangkok, Thailand, police just seized $6 million worth of methamphetamines and Breaking Bad spoilers.

Saudi Arabia's government is warning western powers not to interfere in what's going on in Egypt because "those guys are making us look really good."

U.S. investigators are probing allegations that J.P. Morgan Chase hired the children of Chinese officials as a bribe for access to the country. So, on top of bribery, now it appears that Chase is engaging in child labor. Just awful, making children work in a bank...

And finally, New Zealand just held its first same-sex marriage ceremonies this weekend. Catering was provided by hobbits.

Is that it? Yes, for now.

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